The last couple of weeks of term were incredibly busy and the efforts of all the Grade 3 children are commendable! They worked diligently to complete their Information Report in English and learnt content and did assessments on two topics in Maths: Measurement /Geometry and Statistics /Probability. During ICT the children enjoyed exploring, where they set instructions for characters to perform actions in Minecraft games. In Art, the Grade 3’s worked on two mini projects – making papier-mâché bowls, and making frames of their names in aluminium foil and decorating these with various craft materials, both of which they all had a great time doing!

I have had an amazing and memorable term with the Grade 3’s! Their fun and quirky personalities made the term go smoothly! I wish all of the Grade 3’s the best of luck for their future, and know that you will always have a special place in my heart!

Grade 3
Grade 3
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Miss Victoria Casonato
Grade 3 Teacher